[ 한국식품위생안전성학회지 ] Vol.35, No.5 | 2020
Natural Occurrence of Aflatoxigenic Aspergillus Species and Aflatoxins in Traditional Korean Fermentation Starters, Meju and Nuruk
Natural Occurrence of Aflatoxigenic Aspergillus Species and Aflatoxins in Traditional Korean Fermentation Starters, Meju and Nuruk
Keyword : Aflatoxin, Fungal isolation, Aflatoxigenicity, Meju, Nuruk
Author's : So Young Woo, Sang Yoo Lee, Fei Tian, A-Yeong Jeong, Cha Nee Yoo, Seung Yoon Kang, Hyang Sook Chun
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